राष्ट्रीय जीनोमिक संसाधन कोष
National Genomic Resources Repository
भाकृअप - राष्ट्रीय पादप आनुवंशिक संसाधन ब्यूरो, पूसा परिसर, नई दिल्ली - ११० ०१२, भारत
ICAR - National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Pusa Campus, New Delhi - 110 012, India

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  For OnLine Deposit --- >>  

Click here to download forms D1 (Data sheet); D2 (Material Transfer Agreement)

Only the Principal Investigator of the project can deposit the material (i.e. co-investigators and research associates need PI’s consent. A research student needs the consent of the supervisor/guide). The Repository shall not be responsible for any disputes once the material is deposited. Disputed material shall be removed from the distribution pipeline.

What can be deposited?

         Cloning vectors, expression vectors, binary vectors, RFLP probes

         Cloned genes, promoters fused to reporter genes

         Sub-genomic, cDNA , EST, repeat enriched libraries

         BAC, YAC, PAC clone set from sequencing projects

         Genomic, mitochondrial or chloroplast DNA

         Cloned DNA from wild and weedy species produced exclusively for the repository

Quality and quantity of the material

         Genomic DNA

          A260/A280=1.7-2.0; A260/A230>1.5

          Agarose gel electrophoresis photo with l marker

          >50ng/l, > 10l, 2 replications [MINIMUM, at which it is used only for repository and not for distribution]


          <5% empty vectors

          Free from all sorts of contaminations

          384 well plate (BACs), 96 well plate (cDNA, shotgun, EST)

          1 library @ 192 plates or @ one filter (36,884 spots)

          Amplified library @ 1010 pfu/ml; at least 106 pfu/ml

Accompanying data/ Voucher information

          Name of the plant, Genus, species, common name, Family, TaxID, Genebank Accn. No.

          Extraction procedure, DNA dissolved in, Concentration (ng per microL)

          Importance of the plant

          Reasons for the choice of the variety/landrace/accession

          Source of the biological material

          Clear from MTA for plant material?

          Any info on ITK?

          Any publications? (pl. attach a copy)

          IP rights/patents etc.

   Cloned DNA/ Library

          Name of the plant, Genus, species, common name, Family, TaxID, Genebank Accn. No.

          Vector, antibiotic marker, cloning sites, fragment size (or size range)

          Bacterial strain, transformation method, culture conditions, storage conditions

          Importance of the plant

          Reasons for the choice of the variety/landrace/accession

          Source of the biological material

          Clear from MTA for plant material?

          Any ITK

          Any publications? (pl. attach a copy)

          IP rights/patents etc.

         Supplying seeds/ other planting material/ herbarium specimen along with the genomic resource

         If so, NBPGR genebank accession number (if you know)

Intellectual property

         Even after submission of the material, the intellectual property rights (if any) shall remain with the depositor

         However, the Repository is free to distribute the material to anyone it may deem appropriate

         The recipient shall know all the clauses put forth by the depositor, for the use of material

         Intellectual property rights over any significant modifications over the distributed material rest with the subsequent researchers and not   with the original depositor; however, the intellectual property rights on the original submitted material shall remain with the depositor

     In case of any commercial exploitation, the agreement shall be between the depositor and the actual user (who has generated the said commercial potential) for equitable benefit sharing as governed by the rules and regulations of the respective organizations of the researchers. The Repository shall only be a facilitator of the storage and distribution of the material UNLESS specified otherwise.

Material Transfer Agreement

The deposition of the material is incomplete without signing an MTA. This is to protect the interests of the depositor as described above.

Documentation and database

Every successful deposition gets a unique accession number. The number shall remain constant in any downstream distribution and in the storage. It is by this number a genomic material deposited shall be accessed, viewed, requested for, and distributed.

  © Copyright 2009 NGRR, ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi  
  For more information: soma.marla@icar.gov.in , repository.nbpgr@icar.gov.in  
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