Welcome to National Rice Resource Database

National Rice Resource Database (NRRD) provides characterisation and evaluation data of unique rice germplasm accessions conserved in the National Genebank, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources.

National Rice Resource Database

NRRD Project is a DBT funded initiative to generate characterization data of selected rice germplasm accessions and to develop a user friendly interface to access such information. The rice accessions are characterized for 30 descriptors (19 qualitative and 11 quantitative) at five different centres (BHU, Varanasi; CRRI, Cuttack; IGKV, Raipur; CSSRI, Karnal; and DRR, Hyderabad) over a five year period (Aug 2009-Aug 2014). The project is coordinated by NBPGR, New Delhi.

The project has two components

Development of database for rice genetic resources: The database comprises of passport information, characterization data for 30 descriptors and evaluation data on select accessions.

Development of knowledge based rice genome database: The knowledge base comprises of data on rice whole genome sequence and a huge collection of experimental data generated over several decades.

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