Registration of Plant Germplasm

The need for recognition to the developers of new improved varieties is being served by the Central Sub-Committees on Crop Standards, Notification and Release of Varieties of Agricultural Crops (CVRC) as part of the Indian National Agricultural Research System (NARS). Further, the enactment of Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act (PPV&FRA) 2001 provides for protection of the intellectual property rights of plants breeders and farmers involved in development of plant varieties.

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) operates the mechanism for evaluation, identification and recommendation for release of crop varieties. The Ministry of Agriculture under the Seed Act, 1966, Section 5 provides procedure for notification of released varieties through CVRC and ensures production and sale of seeds meeting the Minimum Seed Certification Standards.

Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) form the basis for genetic improvement of crop species in development of new varieties. Hence, it was realized that due recognition should be accorded to the persons/institutions who are associated with the development and identification of improved or unique potentially valuable germplasm and genetic stocks. It is also desirable from the point of changed world scenario of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) regimes to inventorize, document and bring all the important genetic resources into public domain, facilitating their safe and accelerated use in research and crop improvement.

Recognizing the importance of the issue, a mechanism for “Registration of Plant Germplasm” was instituted in 1996 at the ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), New Delhi by the ICAR. This mechanism is envisaged to serve as a recognized tool for registration of PGRFA at national level. This would also provide facilitated access to the developed or identified potentially valuable germplasm for utilization in crop improvement programmes. Since the institution of this mechanism, 36 meetings have been held and a total of 1,313 germplasm belonging to 209 crop species have been registered. The present revision of the guidelines is an effort towards simplification and inclusion of provision required as per the changing scenario for submission of application and seed/genetic material, recommended by Plant Germplasm Registration Committee (PGRC).

Germplasm Registration Information System

An organized digital information system provides fair and just opportunity for all to access. Information systems facilitate efficient PGR management and enhanced utilization. The Germplasm Registration Information System has been developed to make the entire process of germplasm registration submission of application, evaluation by experts and decision by Plant Germplasm Registration Committee online, easy and fast. The system is expected to provide genebank managers, breeders and plant researchers with a hands-on tool for management of germplasm registration process, and to policy makers with a reliable source of information. With the advent of this system, it is expected that the entire process of germplasm registration is made simple, transparent and fast.

(The Germplasm Registration Information System was launched by DG, ICAR on 02-08-2017)

Development Team (2017)

R.K. Tyagi
Head and Member-Secretary

Plant Germplasm Registration Committee
Division of Germplasm Conservation

Sunil Archak
ICAR-National Fellow

Principal Investigator

Anjali Kak Koul
Principal Scientist

Division of Germplasm Conservation

Ratnesh Kumar Tiwari
Research Associate (Informatics)

Design and Development

User Statistics
  Total Registered Users : 1813  
Total Actives Users : 1622
Total Users Current Month : 97
Total Users Current Year : 395