

Applications are invited for engagement in Young Professional-II position under the Unified Budget at ICAR-NBPGR.
Uploaded: 18/07/24 , Expiry: 31/07/24 ;  Keywords: Applications are invited for engagement in Young Professional-II position under the Unified Budget at ICAR-NBPGR.
Applications are invited to attend Interview (walk-in) for the post of one Senior Research Fellow in SERB funded project at ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi.
Uploaded: 24/06/24 , Expiry: 31/07/24 ;  Keywords: Applications are invited to attend Interview (walk-in) for the post of one Senior Research Fellow in SERB funded project at ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi.


ICAR logo (PNG)
ICAR Logo (Animated)
ICAR Logo (Photoshop .psd)
ICAR Punch Lines
ICAR Punch Line with Logo
ICAR Songs
ICAR Songs with Video


Firefox 50.1.0 for ERP and FMS
Java 7.64 for ERP
Java 8.32 for FMS


ICAR Hindi-Sabdkosh

Internal Forms

Tuition Fee Reimbursement Proforma
Newspaper Performa
HB Singh Committee Room Requisition Slip
Form of Application Leave Travel Concession Bill
Form of Application Travelling Allowance Bill for Tour
Form of Application for LTC, Home Town, All India Advance
Form of Application for Advance GPF
Form of Application Part Final Withdrawal of GPF
Form of Application Duplicate Request Tour Programme and Sanction TA Advance
Form of Application Journey Particulars of Non-Official
Indent for Photographic Work
Form of Application for Earned Leave
Vehicle Indent
CGHS Renewal Form for Pensioners/Family Pensioners
Self declaration form in case of non-submission Boarding Pass and OM

Pensioner’s Identity Card form
Application proforma for Lab Test / Treatment at CGHS recognized Hospitals/Centres.
Form of Journey Particulars of Non-Official Members only
Form Medical Reimbursement Claim Form MRC (S) - For Serving Employees
Form Medical Reimbursement Claim Form MRC (P) - For Pensioner Beneficiaries
Proforma for Repair


Tender Bid details:

Tender bid for Power Tiller

Tender bid for Bench Top Refrigerated Centrifuge

Tender bid for Compound Microscope

E-Tender for Glass House Facility at ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi

Tender bid received for security services of Shimla Regional Station

Tender bid received for security services of Hyderabad Regional Station

Tender bid received for Manpower services of Thrissur Regional Station

Tender bid received for Manpower services of Shillong Regional Station

Tender bid received for security services of Shillong Regional Station

Tender bid received for security services of Cuttack Regional Station

Tender bid received for Manpower services of Bhowali Regional Station

Tender bid received for security services of Ranchi Regional Station

Tender bid received for security services of Jodhpur Regional Station

Tender bid received for Manpower services of Jodhpur Regional Station

Tender bid received for security services of Thrissur Regional Station

Tender bid received for Manpower services of Shimla Regional Station

Tender bid received for Manpower services of Ranchi Regional Station

Tender bid received for Manpower services of Akola Regional Station

Tender bid received for Manpower services of Cuttack Regional Station